Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Poor Design

             My name is Dylan Combs and I am completely new to Blogger, or blogging in general. Keeping that in mind, my blogging skills won't be the greatest. I am currently a freshman in my second semester at Penn State and I intend on becoming a mechanical engineer. Outside of classes I am a member of the Multi-Cultural Engineering Program as well as the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers.
          So onto the topic, "Name a Time you have encountered a Bad Design". Just to start out, one bad design I have just recently encountered is that this blogging website refuses to let me use the "Tab" button to indent my paragraphs. But while thinking about more general and everyday designs that just weren't thought out too well, one that comes to mind is the seating/chairs in every movie theater that I have ever been to.       
         The image above is just an example of what I mean. Looking at the picture, one may not see the big problem. There is a decent amount of people in this movie theater and they fill up most of the seats. Once you have people sitting o both sides of you in these seats you begin to see the problem. For some reason (probably to save space and money) the people who design theater seating almost never chose to make enough armrests. If you are lucky you may get both armrests, but most likely you will only get one or even none depending on your neighbors. 
         This may not be that large of a problem but it seems like it could be easily fixable and would be an appreciated change. But I have recently been to several movie theaters where the seats have candy holders, headrests, and some even recline, but even with the extra accommodations these seats contain they still refrain from upgrading these seats with more armrests.

Seating Picture obtained from :

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