Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Rube Goldberg Machine

As apart of the Society of Hispanic Engineers (SHPE) here at Penn State, a few guys and I are creating a Rube Goldberg machine for a competition. We currently have five guys, including myself, who plan on working on this project. I will be posting updates of our contraption as we proceed to build it. Our main goal is to have the series of events end by a chalkboard being erased. At the moment I have yet to be informed of the specific size of the chalkboard but I assume that it can not be too large. Guidelines for the competition include; The apparatus needs to have at least 20 steps to it with the steps not consisting of ball to ball contact. As I was told "A step consists of any transfer of energy with the exception of ball-ball energy transfer." I will be posting pictures and explaining our apparatus throughout the process of building it. I will also be posting a background of Rube Goldberg projects later on for those reading this that may not be aware of what they exactly are.

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