Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mechanical Animals...

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Robot Dog
     Okay so I am sure that many people reading this have seen the whole news story about this new "canine creation" that Boston Dynamics has created. I am not exactly sure about how I feel about this creation that they decided was necessary to make mainly for the fact that...Who actually wants a robot dog?? I think everyone has seen enough movies to inform us on why this is a bad idea. Most of us are trying to avoid the whole Robot Takeover while Boston Dynamics is trying to make it happen sooner.
      But on a serious note, this little (160 pound) robot dog is pretty impressive. It has the ability to walk and and down inclines along with walking up steps and running around. Boston Dynamics has not given out too many details about how this robot works but I would suppose that there is some sort of camera on its head along with motion sensors and something to determine its balance.
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Robot Cheetah
      Apart from the Dog Bot, Boston Dynamics has also decided to make a Cheetah Robot but I do not believe it is fully functional yet. But even if its not fully self functioning yet, the Cheetah Bot tested with a running speed of up to 28.3 mph which is faster than any human could run at all and there is definitely no way that there is any human that could maintain that speed for a duration of time more than 10 seconds at max.
       Boston Dynamics has also produced a robotic creature that they call the Sand Flea. The name Sand Flea does not sound very terrifying but it has the ability to jump vertically for distances around 30 feet in the air. This little robot was also able to jump back off of a building, falling like 30 feet, and continue to work. So again, I am pretty sure that there is no human being that can jump (vertically) 30 feet in the air and there is not many who can jump off of a 30 or so foot building and be unharmed.
Image result for boston dynamics sand flea
Sand Flea
       With all of this being said, I guess Boston Dynamics just has not seen movies like I,Robot and are not aware of the whole Robot Revolution. I am pretty sure that Boston Dynamics is trying to make it happen actually, In the first video below one of the workers is already deciding to kick the robot and tick the thing off. But lets be honest, if these animal robots want to attack us, they are going to be able to. But all of the pictures in this post are credited to Boston Dynamics and the links to videos of these robots can be found below.

Video Links
Robot Dog -
Cheetah Robot -
Sand Flea -

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