Saturday, February 21, 2015

Other Thoughts Considering "Design"

      In an earlier post I was presenting my thoughts about what I believed the term "Design" meant. Given that this blog is partially dedicated to my first year seminar in engineering design at Penn State, several of my classmates also gave their ideas about "Design" in their own blogs. After reading other viewpoints about this topic, I have realized that everyone has their own definitions and thoughts about what "Design" is, whether their thoughts compare to and/or differ from mine. I will also be sharing the links to their blogs in order of review at the end.
      To Shantanu Bhardwaj,"Design is the study of artificial or naturally derived objects or things and improving them in terms of efficiency and aesthetics or both". Looking at Shantanu's definition, I would have to disagree with the thought of design being a "study of artificial or naturally derived objects" due to the fact that in my previous post I had mentioned "Designs consisting of anything that does not exist naturally in nature". But to go on, I do agree with Shantanu's thought about "improving (said objects) in terms of efficiency or aesthetic appeals". To elaborate, I agree with this thought since most "designs" are usually focused on improving something, whether it be towards efficiency or aesthetic appeals, or creating to be efficient and appealing. 
     In his blog, Andrew Cavalieri thinks of "design" as "an idealistic form of art where one makes his own unique ideas become a reality". To be honest, I am not sure of what I actually think about his definition. For starters, I think that it is definitely a viable definition but at the same time it seems to be very vague which could be a good or a bad thing. What I mean is that his definition being very vague does not really form a complete thought on the idea or "design" but when thinking about it, the fact that his definition is vague allows it to incorporate every aspect of design; which is a relatively vague idea in itself that includes a wide variety of things. Apart from his actual definition of "design", I applaud his real life example of how "design" can incorporate from a single "designer" to a various number of "designers" to create a single "design".
      Another classmate, Srikar, describes the term "design" as "a plan or blueprint needed to execute a larger project". I can not say that I agree with this definition but I can respect anyone having their own opinions about the term, considering that it what this post is dedicated to. I would consider plans and blueprints to be considered as "designs" but I believe that the term "design" is a much broader term that is not restricted to just the plans and blueprints since many "designs" are often created spontaneously.
      I believe that  Justin Nowosielski describes the term "design" (as a verb) very well by stating that to "design" includes "creating, improving, or envisioning a way to create or improve something". The idea of "designing" ideas in your head by envisioning them is a view on the term the I can see many people not taking into account, including myself. He then proceeds by saying "Everything is designed a specific way for a specific reason" which is a stated that seems to be very accurate and is able to include..well everything that is "design". The only thing that I would deem misleading is the word "everything" since I do not consider everything to be "designed", mainly referring to nature.
       There are several other of my classmates that share their idea of "Design" in their own respective blogs but I think after awhile many of the definitions will be repeating one another to a point so I will stop at five. The fifth idea of design is given by Yupeng Li and is a tad long so I will just paraphrase it and leave it to you to visit his blog for the whole thing. His definition consists of "design" often being confused with creating when creating is actually "designing". I understand the idea that when you create something, it is considered a "design" but I believe that you can create something without actually "designing" although the said creation would most likely be considered a "design".
       So yeah I will try to sum it all up as I assume it can be pretty confusing for most people reading, considering it was slightly confusing just for me to write. Despite Wiki-pedia, other websites, and the dictionary have a set definition, the term "design" really can't be contained to a single definition since every individual has their own idea of the term that usually reflects their lives and/or occupation the best but will most likely not reflect another person's idea as well. The individual, whether influenced through another's definition or not, must think of their own definition or idea of  what a "design" is in a way that suits themselves the best. But apart from talking about this specific topic if I were to recommend a classmate's blog to be visited or to receive extra credit in the class, I would have to say Fermin Contreras does a respectable job throughout on the blog/posts. It seems like a couple assignments were missed but none-the-less the posts that were done are done well and it seems as though there was some effort put into the layout of the overall blog.
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