As given on Wikipedia:
- The creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system
- Direct construction of an object
- A specification of an object, manifested by an agent, intended to accomplish goals, in a particular environment, using a set of primitive components, satisfying a set of requirements, subject to constraints
- To plan or make decisions about something to be made
- To plan or make for a specific use or purpose
- To think of or plan something in your mind
- Anything that has been planned by a person or group of people in order to create something that does not yet exist whether it is an artist painting, a seamstress making clothes, or an engineer created a new invention or way to do something. As a verb, my definition for design would be relatively the same except including "to plan out or create something" instead of "Anything....something".
As for my design background I've designed:
- Several Art projects such as paintings, sculptures, and fabrics
- Word-working projects such as tables, chairs, and other things you might find in a "Man-Cave"
- Structural designs including sheds,garages, and portions of houses
- Theoretical designs for post-disaster shelters
- A theoretical design for a new refrigerant and HVAC system to make cars greener
- My ongoing design of the Rube Goldberg Machine that several of my posts are about
*With the structural designs there was not too much room for prototypes or second attempts. There was a much larger focus on meticulously planning out the structural designs since if a design did not work then it could cause a very dangerous situations.
Wikipedia source:
Merriam-Webster source:
Wikipedia source:
Merriam-Webster source:
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